In April 2001, I launched AfterWalkerEvans.com and AfterSherrieLevine.com, two identical websites on which I made freely available high-resolution scans of Walker Evans images rephotographed by Sherrie Levine. These digital images are accessible to anyone, and while they accrue cultural value, they retain little to no economic value. The site links to high-resolution, exhibition-quality images and certificates of authenticity to be signed by the downloader, and includes framing and exhibition directions.
AfterWalkerEvans.com and AfterSherrieLevine.com have been exhibited at the Fundacio Foto Colectania, Barcelona; Muse d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris; Abrons Arts Center, New York; and Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, among others, and written about in Art and Electronic Media (Phaidon, 2009) and Art Journal, among others.