Speed Stick Deodorant, Regular scent. 2.25 Oz.
$ 1.00
Dove Unscented Soap. 1 available.
$ 1.29
Gilette Mach 3 razor. With four blades and the holder.
$ 6.00
Aveeno skin moisturizer. Oatmeal based. A very deep moisturizer.
$ 2.00
Chapstick. Regular flavor.
$ 1.00
TendSkin shaving aid. Greatly reduces the occurances of ingrown hair and razor bumps.
$ 14.00
Stainless Toenail clippers.
$ 2.00
Salonpas. Anti-inflammatory natural solution from Japan. Sticky pads apply directly to the surface of your skin.
$ 2.00
Sewing Kit.
$ 2.00
A+D Ointment. Meant for things like diaper rash, this is like Vaseline on steroids. This stuff will heal all kinds of burns and chapped lips. Very small amount left.
$ .50
My hair clippers. The first of every month I'm bald. This is how.
$ 75.00
Wart removal pads. About %20 used.
$ .75
More wart removal pads. A different brand from a previous one.
$ 2.00
Glide dental floss. A larger size and a travel size.
$ 4.00
Arm and Hammer whitening toothpaste.
$ 2.00
Toothbrush, from my dentist.
$ 1.00
My nitetime mouthgard to keep me from grinding my teeth.
$ 20.00